Principle 1: Effective Leadership
Desired Outcome: New Horizon will strive to retain a highly effective instructional staff in order to meet the needs of our unique student population.
Strategy #1: Teacher Accountability/Support: New Horizon ensures that teachers will be held account able for student achievement through clearly defined expectations, classroom observations and teach er evaluations and that teachers are supported through ongoing professional development and coach ing.
Informal Classroom Observations—Observe teachers in the classroom on a monthly basis, checking for les son plans aligned to the standards, effective teaching strategies and students on-task.
Teacher Evaluations—Conduct formal teacher evaluations twice/year to ensure effectiveness.
Coaching/Mentoring—Utilize Instruction Specialist and Academic Specialist on an as-needed basis for coaching/mentoring of teachers in the classroom. The Instruction Specialist conducts professional develop ment for staff in the area of best instructional practices. They observe, mentor and coach staff in order to ensure excellent instruction and increased student achievement. The Academic Specialist analyzes student assessment data. She assists teachers in analyzing and disaggregating student data to better inform in struction.
Teacher/Principal Evaluations—Utilize Teacher/Principal Evaluation instrument in formal teacher and prin cipal evaluations/observations.
Strategy #2: Strategic Planning: New Horizon School will engage in the strategic planning process an nually utilizing all available data in order to implement, evaluate and revise the Integrated Action Plan.
Continuous Improvement Team—Maintain the Continuous Improvement Team, including a parent partici pant, in order to develop, oversee and evaluate the Integrated Action Plan. The grant consultant helps to coordinate this team and to maintain NCLB compliance. The grant consultant works with the Continuous
Improvement team to update, evaluate and ensure implementation of the Integrated Action plans. This consultant also works with the Director and the business office in budgeting, completion reports, time and effort and compliance.
Annual Needs Assessment/CNA—Utilize the CNA tool to conduct an annual needs assessment. The grant consultant helps to coordinate the needs assessment
Annual Needs Assessment /SAI—Utilize the SAI (Standards Assessment Inventory) to conduct an annual needs assessment. The grant consultant helps to coordinate the needs assessment.
Evaluation of Plan Implementation—Integrated Action Plan implementation will be monitored by the Con tinuous Improvement Team on an ongoing basis to determine plan effectiveness. The grant consultant helps to coordinate plan implementation.
Coordination & Integration of Resources—The Continuous Improvement Team will analyze CNA results and make recommendations for coordinated programs and funding in order to meet school goals.
Fiscal Management—Continue to implement a process of checks and balances between the principal, grant consultant, and business office in order to ensure compliance with fiscal guidelines.
Strategy #3: Student Support Services - Ensure students and teachers are supported through the ad ministration of grants, student recruitment, and accurate bookkeeping.
ESSER Administration—Provide stipend to staff members in order to ensure accurate administration/ bookkeeping of the ESSER grants.
Student Recruitment—Advertise in newspapers, signs etc. to increase student enrollment due to COVID losses.
Principle 2: Effective Teachers and Instruction
Desired Outcome: New Horizon will ensure teachers receive high-quality, ongoing professional develop ment that is embedded in the school calendar and promotes collaboration among all instructional staff in order to support the success of all students.
Strategy #1: Professional Development: New Horizon will ensure that ongoing, high-quality profes sional development takes place through the school year to increase teacher effectiveness.
Job-embedded PD—Offer high quality PD opportunities that are embedded in the school year and are tied to needs specified in the Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA) and the SAI (Standards Assessment In ventory), including technology integration. PD books and materials may be purchased in order to support PD needs.
Professional Growth Plans—Ensure a Professional Growth Plan is created for each teacher in order to meet individual PD needs based on teacher evaluations.
Workshops/Conferences—Send New Horizon instructional staff to conferences and/or workshops that ad dress the needs of students and staff (i.e., AZ Charter Association Educator's Summit)
On-line PD Opportunities—Offer instructional staff opportunities to gain additional training in specific areas of need. Workshops may include ASCD on-line professional development courses.
Strategy #2: Assessment System: Ensure effective instruction in the classroom based on analysis of assessment data which leads to informed instruction.
Analyze Assessment Data—Analyze student test scores (i.e., Az MERIT, AR Reading, Galileo, My Math, Reading Wonders, CCSS Diagnostic Placement, etc.) in order to evaluate student progress.
Strategy #3: Technology: Additional Technology to work toward 1:1 student/computer ratio
Additional Computers—New Horizon will add desktop and laptop computers for classrooms. Adding com puters to classrooms will enable less sharing of computers so that computers can be cleaned and sanitized between student use. Old equipment will be replaced when necessary - including monitors, headphones, and laptop docking stations.
Upgrade Existing Infrastructure and Computers—New Horizon will upgrade the existing infrastructure (to include upgrading CAT-5 cables, adding ethernet switches and routers) and upgrading existing computers. Upgrading infastructure and computers will enable uninterupted student learning in the event of another school closure. Most of the work will be contracted though outside vendors, however, a small stipends will be paid to staff members to load software, for website recovery and protection and to train teachers on new software.
Principle 3: Effective Organization of Time
Desired Outcome: 100% of students to be motivated to grow in reading and math.
Strategy #1: Support for EL Students: Offer support for EL students during the school day and after school.
EL Student Support—Ensure SEI/ELD model is correctly implemented through EL Notebook documenta tion including AZELLA test scores, ILLPs, classroom observations, and formative assessment scores (i.e., Galileo).
After-school Tutoring for EL students—Offer after-school tutoring for EL students utilizing a highly effec tive Compensatory Education teacher. EL tutoring is offered exclusively to EL students.
EL Literacy Coach— Utilize EL Literacy Coach in order to ensure adequate support, mentoring, and coach ing for teachers of EL students. The EL Literacy Coach will ensure teachers receive high-quality PD in the area of English language development.
Professional Development—Ensure teachers of EL students attend PD, on-site, on-line courses and at con ferences/workshops in the areas of speaking, listening, reading and writing for EL students. Workshops may include ASCD on-line professional development courses (i.e., Developing Grammar Skills in English Lan guage Learners, Content-Based Instruction for English Language Learners, etc.). These training opportuni ties are not provided to teachers of non-EL students using other funding sources.
Materials/software for Language Learning—Purchase appropriate supplemental reading/writing materials and software (i.e., Read Naturally, Spelling City) for EL students in the classroom and after-school tutoring. These materials are not provided to non-ELs using other funding sources. Supplemental reading/writing materials including but not limited to picture word cards, visual dictionaries, sequence and retelling puzzles. All materials are for the sole and exclusive use of ELL students during the day and during after-school pro grams. These items will not be used for non-ELL students.
Materials for Listening Stations—Provide EL students with fiction and nonfiction read along kits to be used at listening stations. Listening stations are for the sole and exclusive use of EL students in order to boost reading fluency and increase comprehension. This is a new purchase and will not be used by non-EL stu dents.
Materials for After-School EL Tutoring—Purchase materials for after-school tutoring program for EL lan guage learning (i.e., EL Games Library, Tricky Words and Phrases Teaching Cards, Vocabulary Cards, Giant Sentence Building Cubes, English Language Development Skill-Building Centers, and Language Develop ment Activity Cards) All materials will be used exclusively by EL students during the after-school program. All materials are new materials, never purchased by any funding source and are supplemental.
Strategy #2: Support for Homeless Students: New Horizon will ensure that homeless students receive appropriate support and assistance in order to be successful in school.
Materials/supplies for Homeless Students—Ensure homeless students receive needed classroom supplies and uniforms.
Transportation for Homeless Students—Ensure homeless students are able to come to school.
Strategy #3: Master Schedule Planning: Ensure effective utilization of time through master schedule planning.
Strategic Planning—Create a master schedule that ensures minimal transition times, minimizes classroom disruptions and prioritizes time-on-task.
Well-Rounded Educational Opportunities—Opportunities for well-rounded education for all students are incorporated into the master schedule (i.e., student government, music/violin, dance, theater, character ed, tobacco/bully prevention).
Strategy #4: Address COVID Learning Loss - New Horizon will extend the school year through a Sum mer School to be conducted the Summer of 2022. In addition, new curriculum that supports the MTSS will be introduced. This curriculum is aligned to the Arizona Academic Standards and includes a tech nology component for student engagement, learning at home, and progress monitoring.
Summer School—New Horizon will hold a Summer School for the purpose of addressing COVID learning loss during the 2019-20 and 2020-21 school years. Summer School will be conducted for three weeks during the summer and specifically target students that are struggling in the areas of reading and math.
Reading and Math Curriculum to support MTSS/RTI Interventions—Purchase new reading and math curricu lum that includes Tier 1, 2 and interventions to support the RTI program. Curriculum will be utilized in the general ed classrrom as well as during the after-school tutoring program to address COVID learning loss. The curriculum includes a technology component for student engagement, home practice and progress monitoring.
Summer Bridge Materials—Purchase Summer Bridge Essentials backpacks, which include a Summer Bridge workbook, 4 books (2 fiction/2 non-fiction) and flashcards, for each student to use over the summer.
Summer Planning/Professional Development—Summer stipends will be paid for staff to plan Tier 2 (after school) interventions for struggling students. In addition, summer stipends will be paid for teachers/ paraprofessionals to be trained on new science/reading curriculum in order to provide Tier 1 and 2 support. A stipend for the Curriculum Specialist will be paid for leading the planning and professional development.
Principle 4: Effective Curriculum
Desired Outcome: New Horizon will continue to provide a high quality curriculum in all subjects that is aligned with the Arizona Academic Standards and ensure professional development that addresses teacher/student needs.
Strategy #1: Alignment with the Arizona Academic Standards: New Horizon will ensure that all cur riculum and instructional materials are aligned to the Arizona Academic Standards.
Material Alignment/Curriculum Mapping—Ensure all instructional materials are aligned to the Arizona Aca demic Standards. Stipends will be paid to staff to map the curriculum and ensure alignment.
Pacing Guides—Pacing guides are utilized to ensure fidelity with the curriculum.
Strategy #2: Social Emotional Learning - Ensure students are supported through social emotional learning that is supported through the curriculum.
Social Emotional Learning— Support students through social emotional learning. A stipend will be paid to teach the social emotional curriculum to students through the school year.
Social Emotional Curriculum Supplies/Materials—Purchase supplies and materials for SEL lessons.
Strategy #3: Well-Rounded Education - Ensure students are given access to well-rounded learning op portunities.
Field Trips—Provide field trips to various locations in the Phoenix area (i.e., AZ Science Center, AZ Museum of Natural History, Great AZ Puppet Theater) in order to provide culminating events in the areas of science, history and the arts. Funds will be utilized to pay for student registration fees as well as transportation.
Principle 5: Conditions, Climate & Culture
Desired Outcome: 100% of New Horizon students to fell safe, secure and supported at school.
Strategy #1: Safe Learning Environment: New Horizon will provide a safe, efficient and effective learn ing environment for all staff and students.
Safety Plan—Update the Safety Plan on an annual basis to ensure the safety of all students. Safety Procedures—Safety procedures are in place to reduce medical issues and ensure student safety. Tracking—Track instances of violence/disruption through AZ SAFE on a weekly basis.
Strategy #2: Discipline Procedures: New Horizon implements consistent discipline procedures for all students.
Consistent Discipline Procedures—Schoolwide procedures are in place to address problem behavior. All teachers adhere to the same procedures.
Strategy #3: Technology Procedures—Ensure students and staff are safe when utilizing technology.
Internet User Agreement Policy—Continue to have the Internet User Agreement Policy signed by all stu dents and teachers and included in the Parent Handbook.
Employee Internet Policy—Continue to require teachers to sign the Employee Internet Policy at the begin ning of every school year.
Web Filters—Continue to ensure student safety on the computers by having all computers connected to the proxy with a CIPA Compliant web filter and, as a second measure,, connected to open DNS filtering.
Strategy #4: Clean and Safe Environment— New Horizon will clean and sanitize the school building in order to minimize the spread of COVID-19 and create policies and procedures to encourage clean and healthy hygiene.
Classroom Cleaning and Sanitizing—During the summer, New Horizon will clean and sanitize every class room in order to minimize the spead of COVID-19. Classroom cleaning includes cleaning all surfaces, floor ing, walls, fixtures, desks, chiars, cubbies, bookshelves, windows, etc.
Cleaning All Common Areas—New Horizon will clean and sanitize all common areas including the dance hall, office, library, teachers lounge, teacher's workroom, bathrooms, hallways, lunchroom tables, etc.
Creating clean/sanitized nurse’s area—New Horizon will create a clean and sanitized area for children who may be feeling sick. This area will include a place where students can lie down to include disposable pillow covers, bed covers, etc.
Cleaning and Sanitizing Air Conditioning— All air conditioner units will be cleaned and sanitized to include, cleaning the coils, adding Air Scrubbers, add updated thermostats, etc. Old AC units will be replaced with new models that include Air Scrubbers and updated thermostats.
Add additional 6 Hand Washing Stations—New Horizon will add hand washing stations to encourage stu dent hygiene. Hand washing stations will be located in high traffic locations.
Healthy Hygiene Policies and Procedures—New Horizon will implement policies and procedures that en courage healthy hygiene for students. These policies and procedures will include daily cleaning, student hygiene procedures (i.e., hand sanitizer, handwashing schedules, disinfecting and cleaning schedules for staff), lunch procedures and procedures for dealing with sick children during the school day.
Strategy #5: Upgrade the Learning Environment - Ensure classrooms are clean, safe and conducive to student learning.
Clean and Safe Classroom Furniture—Replace old, worn-out student tables, desks and chairs in classrooms. Safe School Facilities—Repair unsafe roof to ensure student health and safety.
Principle 6: Family and Community Engagement
Desired Outcome: 100% of students prepared to learn.
Strategy #1: School Transitions: New Horizon will support students as they transition from preschool to kindergarten and from 6th grade to middle school and beyond.Preschool Transition/Recruiting—Initiate visits with local preschools to encourage kids and parents to visit the school and experience a school play. A staff member will be paid a stipend to initiate preschool visits and recruit Kindergarteners due to student enrollment loss during COVID.
Middle School Transition—Invite Middle School personnel to speak to the 6th graders.
Strategy #2: Support for Parents/Families at Home: New Horizon will provide information and re sources for parents and families at home in order to ensure active parent participation in student aca demic achievement.
Parent Language Training—New Horizon will support parents of EL students in learning English through partnering with local organizations that offer classes. Language Training workshops will be offered so that parents of EL students can support their children at home. These classes are not offered to parents of non ELs.
Parent Newsletter in Spanish—Send parent newsletter home with students to give them helpful tips on supporting their children in school, such as homework help, test prep, student motivation, etc. This news letter will be created by a highly effective teacher of EL students. It will only go to parents of EL students and is in addition to any other communication coming from the school.
Communication with Parents/Families—New Horizon will upgrade the phone system (to include adding 4 phone lines) in order to ensure open communication between the school and families. In the event of an other school closure, the phone system is essential for teacher/parent/student communication. Internal in ternet cabling and old wiring will be replaced.
Supplies for Parent Newsletter—Supplies (i.e., paper, toner, etc.) will be utilized to create a quarterly news letter for parents of EL students.
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